Active Inclusion Learning Network


Welcome to the Active Inclusion Learning Network website. This site includes information about the project which took place between June 2013 and July 2015. This site acts as an information point and is not maintained. All information contained on this website is correct as of July 2015.

Here you will be able to find the research report made during the life of the project and it’s aim was to answer as far as possible the question:

‘What approaches contribute to improving employability and employment outcomes amongst socially excluded groups?’

Also available on this website you can find all the newsletters from the project that were sent to the network, a list of contacts for all practices that were submitted to the project, the final conference report and the platform 1 and platform 2 event reports and useful links to guides, toolkits and ESF contacts in each EU member state.

The purpose of this website is to give anyone involved in good practice for disadvantaged groups across Europe information on European Social Funding, other practices and contacts.